Friday, July 21, 2006

the saying...

one fine afternoon, me family went to a showroom to look at the new apartments...interested it may look. but u'll be so dead asleep if i started talking about it. no...that's not my point here. what caught my attention was that on one of the walls of the showroom, were quotations by different pple. there were various ones, but one of them made me really glare at it for some time.
it goes something like this..."70% of success in life is showing up. Choice, not circumstances determines ur success."
i was taken aback by this. we sometimes say something happened due to unforseen circumstances. unforseen? not really, esp now that i read it.
personal view here. i've been happy for most of the time...not as in "happy", but rather staying positive. i do suddenly realise that sometimes when choices are laid out for me, i tend to mix it up. n mistakingly think its circumstances. why?, i ask myself...i wonder. is it b'cos we as society sometimes refuse to see it as choices? are they limited? so we twist the words to become circumstances? its time i take a moment to consider that what i say, can actually hold a certain level of power in our lives. our thinking, perspective, views.etc.
so where does this go? help me out here...thanks

Sunday, July 16, 2006

these days...

ya know...i recently did a project with my fellow classmates in an interdisciplinary module..
we were working on pple who were selling tissues on the streets, upfront. some appear at foodcourts, and by the traffic lights(depending). k, here's the thing, if one of them goes up to u. lets say she's begging u to buy them. u knw she looks poor cos of her clothing. and she's accompanying a disabled person with her. human instinct tells us to be soft naturally and give in, right??
well, this is where we step in. we find out if what they are doing, is sincere? savvy yea... now what we found that yes, there are pple really poor and hence doing this to make a living. however, there are others who use this to their advantage...sad huh?
yesterday...i walked along parkway with a friend of mine. he too, is aware of this issue too.
it was 9.30 into the evening already and shops were closing. we were heading to the bus-stop when we chanced upon an elderly. he was just sitting there in the walkway, playing a chinese instrument waiting for contributions. i asked my friend whether he would give ...he said yea, why not. he's definitely handicapped(one leg less). but u knw what? we just walked past him ! he didnt realise this at was as if he was never there in the first place. then i asked him, "why didnt u give? a moment ago, u said u would, ... why?" there, he was stunned and lost as to why he didnt give...
???is this so of man to communicate with such in society?